Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mommy moment...

My baby boy absolutely fills my soul with the most amazing emotions ever felt! He's 17 months now and driving me bananas or "to drink" as my friend pep, likes to say. However, I would not have it any other way, this mommy thing is waaaay harder than I ever imagined but I would not give up a minute of it. J, my son, is rapidly discovering this amazing world around him and his role in it, so fascinating to watch! He's just starting to enunciate certain words like "thank you" and "you're welcome"; oh and he will not say "daddy" for the life of him, which is crazy because he absolutely adores his daddy, funny. But this morning he uttered "thank you" as I handed him his Kleen Kanteen, the clearest i've heard him speak thus far. And you can imagine how sweetly those words resonated in my ears, I almost cried. It's incredible how a seemingly simple act can impact your soul so deeply, and my baby totally uplifts the innermost part of my being... Please, be loving and kind to your kids, to everyone around you for that matter, but the fabric of who we go on to be in life is greatly impacted by our early childhood socialization, LOVE and KINDNESS can never be overstated.

Please, share your favorite mommy/daddy/parent moments with me, I look forward to being uplifted...Have a blessed day!

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