Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm obsessed with...

I'm currently fascinated with the sun, literally, the brightest star around. One of the regulars at the food co-op where I volunteer put me on to NASA's solar and heliospheric observatory page. The images captured by the various satellite's are amazing, the colors are so cool, and they provide great insight as to the working's of the sun.  Check out the website

ps- they also have an iphone app., the graphics are great

What are you currently fascinated by?...God bless.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sweet father of mine...

Visions of cradling you in my arms,
I want to infuse your soul with the love and comfort you were denied
Protect you from the demons that inhabit your life
Lift you up to the most high, away from the darkness and into the light
because that's where you belong, until the end of time
Sweet father of mine...

Never give up on those you love, I know the pain they inflict on us can be overwhelming but
love and forgiveness can help overcome that. Some people are just deeply troubled souls and it's up to us to, our purpose, to help make a positive difference in their destiny.

Are you dealing with any serious family troubles, share with me, how do you feel? cope? forgive?
God bless...

Monday, August 23, 2010

A place of Serenity...

After dealing with the sometimes stressful/challenging flow of everyday life it's imperative that our home be our sanctuary, it's the only place we should be able to find serenity and peace. The reality, however, is that we tend to drag our problems home with us, we never give ourselves a break. Also, unfortunately, a lot of stress stems from the home and at that point it's all encompassing, throwing our beings completely out of balance. And this is not conducive to our health be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. I speak from experience guys, I'm consciously seeking that balance in my life, the last couple of years have been unbelievably challenging and the roller coaster ride has not stopped. I know many of you can empathize. This is why I am sharing this link from the Gaiam website, it speaks of how beneficial it is to create a sacred space for ourselves and our family. We deserve to have a space that is free from the clutter of everyday life, that inspires peace, serenity, comfort, and clarity. Good luck to all of us!!

Please share your thoughts with me...God bless.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Transitions, transitions...

So, I'm at that point in my life as a mother, that I must transition back into having a life outside of Jordan and my home, plus I need to make some extra money plain and simple. And it's the hardest most guilt-ridden time ever, I feel so bad that I won't be with my baby full-time! However, I'm maintaining my composure it had to happen at some point :-(, I move into a new phase of life, of parenthood. It's an exciting new turn but i'm terribly nervous, I have to admit. For some reason, I'm just so scared! It's been on my mind all the time as I start my job hunt and start figuring out how to best make this move. Wish me luck out there!!

Mommies, share with me your experience, how did you manage it? How did you really feel?...God bless.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

TOXIC AMERICA... has a great special coverage going on about how toxic the world around us really is. It's covering everything from toxic fruits and veggies to how toxic our air is to babies being born toxic(can you believe it?). Every time I read all the information that is out about toxins, I practically cry, sounds dramatic but it scares me so much. I have a beautiful baby boy and I feel helpless knowing that he's been born into such a dirty world, and I mean that literally; every breath he takes could be killing him slowly. However, I try not to panic, I do my best to feed him healthy and organic foods, to not use toxins in our home, and to help make a difference to keep our earth healthy. It sounds corny but, "every little bit helps", don't doubt it. A lot of us become paralyzed when we feel helpless, because we do not see an immediate cure we feel that our efforts are obsolete. But if that were true then some of the biggest breakthroughs in society would never have occurred-the abolition of slavery for one, women's rights, apartheid- are all examples of overwhelmingly difficult circumstances that were overcome, slowly but surely, by individuals who valued every effort as minute as it might have seem at the time. I encourage you all to trash that mentality if you practice it, instead effect positive change even in the slightest way, but just do it!!  Click here to access the special coverage.

Share your thoughts/suggestions with me...God bless.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Grandma...

My grandmother was an amazing woman, not famous or rich but she was as real as they come. Sadly she passed last Thursday, May 13, 2010 at the age of 87, after putting up an inspiring fight to live. Towards the end her body basically started breaking down little by little-heart, lungs, kidneys-but her spirit was as strong as ever. I'm so proud of my family because we really did pull together to do all we could for her and show her how much we love her, that brings me an immense sense of peace. It does not by any means override the overwhelming sadness and shock ( I still can't conceive that she's gone)) I feel, but that peace is what's helping me make  it through my days.

Death is so hard to grasp, the idea of not existing anymore is just too unimaginable (at least for me). However, I accept that it is a part of life, and life is ,"...but a breath." (Psalm 39: 5-6). It's important to live your best life now, as cliche as that sounds; Embrace all that is good-God, family, peace, humility, nature. Yes, life is challenging and abstract, to say the least, for some more than others. And that is precisely why, we must encompass the beauty of life, it will serve as our shield in the journey. My grandmother, had her fair share of trials and tribulations throughout her life (a very inspiring one to me, I hope to put together a biography of sorts, in the near future) and it toughened her skin a bit, but she never gave up, she fought right until the end. If I would not have embraced my family as I have all of my life (thanks to the example that my grandmother and my mother have set for me), I would have missed out on a very amazing life experience-being able to witness her fight as well as being able to re-pay her all that she did for me right when it mattered most in life. Beautifully enough, my family and I, those of us who live here in the states, did it together, as one. It was an inspiring and intensely moving experience, even thought we were all overwhelmingly sad, the love and unity overpowered all the negativity. I pray all of you get to experience those emotions and if you embrace them, the course of your life will be forever changed.

God bless...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Favorite...

My son and I always take time in the afternoons to grab a little snack in our neighborhood, plus I simply treasure those little moments we share as we sit on one of the benches to share our snack. These days we are obsessed with the Cinnamon Crisp from Amy's Bread and we always wash it down with their fresh squeezed OJ. The Cinnamon Crisp is deliciously cinnamini and crispy (true to it's name), definitely a must-try if you are in nyc, they also have lots of other yummy fresh baked goodies to delight your taste buds!

What is your favorite afternoon delight, please share with us?...God bless.