Saturday, April 3, 2010


That is exactly how I felt after seeing my doctor this past week, PROCESSED. I went in hopeful and positive (I haven't found one doctor in my life thus far that I feel is kind, caring, wise, professional all in one) and totally maintained my composure when I realized that the lady sitting in front of me in the labcoat was not LISTENING to me, nor did she care to expand on what I was communicating to her. It was not necessarily a short visit but I still came away feeling cheated, confused, annnoyed, etc. I am soooo over the whole health care situation going on this country and I am definitely over the whole medical profession! Is it because I have medicaid (I'm so grateful for medicaid but I feel so judged and poorly treated simply because I have it)?
You see, I have been afflicted with this weird scary chronic(everyday for the past year) dermatitis which affects me everywhere on my body at random(or so I think) times throughout the day. MY symptoms include-Burning sensation, redness, swelling(it looks like welts of some sort) of the red area, sometimes bruising (once the redness and swelling go away), and itchiness of course. I have no answer as to what might be causing it, the doctor had very little to say, except for recommending that I take a low dosage of loratidine (generic claritin) everyday for a month, oh and for me to keep a symptom journal(the one good suggestion she gave me), and to go back and see her in a month. I have some very serious apprehensions(I prefer to try and figure out exactly what's ailing me and treat it with homeopathic, ayurvedic, or herbal medicine) about taking loratidine even though I know there are no major side effects associated with it; I don't trust the FDA or the pharmaceutical companies, so I really focus on staying healthy and exhausting all my natural medicine options before I turn to pharmocology, but I decided to work with her and take her suggestions. Oh, and I also developed eczema(both conditions arose after five months of giving birth) on the back of my neck going into to my shoulders and back and as well as on my lower back, I must admit, I'm managing it so i'm not in need of medication. Organic shea butter, tea tree, and other organic oils as well as not exposing the affected parts of my skin to a lot of water, help keep my eczema under control. However, I wanted her to expand more on the condition or tell me whether it might keep spreading (it's making me feel very self-conscious with the skin discoloration brought on by the eczema), and other useful information, but I got very short run-of-the mill answers, in my opinion. I have high expectations of the people I trust to help keep me healthy, I try and do my best to keep myself and my family healthy as well; I never go in expecting them to work miracles (I trust on God for those) and I have a lot of respect and appreciation for the work they do, why are these health care un-professionals so jaded? It's daunting at times.
Anyway, excuse my rant, I'm just very frustrated and I know that a lot of you are dealing or have dealt with similar and worst experiences, I empathize and I know you will also. I am starting my journal as of Monday and will update you once I see my doc again in a month, let's see where she goes with this. In the mean time, I am going to see a private dermatologist (soon, I hope, the rates here in the city are outrageous) and I'm hoping to also start acupuncture treatments, I'll report on how it goes.

Please leave me your comments/suggestions/rants...Have an amazingly blessed EASTER weekend, take God's love in, it feels amazing!!!!!

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