Death is so hard to grasp, the idea of not existing anymore is just too unimaginable (at least for me). However, I accept that it is a part of life, and life is ,"...but a breath." (Psalm 39: 5-6). It's important to live your best life now, as cliche as that sounds; Embrace all that is good-God, family, peace, humility, nature. Yes, life is challenging and abstract, to say the least, for some more than others. And that is precisely why, we must encompass the beauty of life, it will serve as our shield in the journey. My grandmother, had her fair share of trials and tribulations throughout her life (a very inspiring one to me, I hope to put together a biography of sorts, in the near future) and it toughened her skin a bit, but she never gave up, she fought right until the end. If I would not have embraced my family as I have all of my life (thanks to the example that my grandmother and my mother have set for me), I would have missed out on a very amazing life experience-being able to witness her fight as well as being able to re-pay her all that she did for me right when it mattered most in life. Beautifully enough, my family and I, those of us who live here in the states, did it together, as one. It was an inspiring and intensely moving experience, even thought we were all overwhelmingly sad, the love and unity overpowered all the negativity. I pray all of you get to experience those emotions and if you embrace them, the course of your life will be forever changed.
God bless...