Wednesday, March 31, 2010
On the GREEN tip...
Good morning! Praise God the rain is subsiding, I wish the best for all of you dealing with the drawbacks of all this rain... There are myriad Green Guides nowadays but one of my faves is National Geographics guide, it's easy to navigate and thorough which works for me. Click here to access the site...Wishing you all a blessed day!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Urban Mama...Contaminated Fish oil?
OMG, this is the type of thing that really scares me...So, it turns out that some of the major health supplement brands-GNC, CVS, NOW FOODS, Solgar, to name a few- have been selling us fish oil that have, " illegally undisclosed and unnecessarily high levels of contamination with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds, according to a lawsuit filed today in California court." This information comes from the FishOilSafety website and it contains very important information regarding some seriously alarming deficiencies in the fish oil supplement industry. please click here to access the site and article...It's sooo important to to do our research as consumers and to support the brands that we know are responsible, transparent, and sustainable.
Leave me your thoughts comments...God bless.
Leave me your thoughts comments...God bless.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Essence of Beauty...
The essence of beauty lies in the cultivation of true health-healthy eating, exercise, natural skin care, healthy stress management, and nurturing the spirit. When all these elements come together and find harmony and balance within our life's, our true and inner beauty will inevitably radiate forth, for the world to admire. Now, don't get it twisted, I know this is no easy task, I fall off track here and there, at times more here than there. Life's twist and turns can sure diverge our focus but we MUST re-gain it and move forward. Life is not a bout getting it right all the time, how boring and predictable would that be, but it's about what we learn from every bump and how we apply it to our tomorrow. Health is beauty, Happiness is beauty, Kindness is beauty!
Yoga Journal (a great site) has a fantastic article on True Beauty, I found it very insightful and helpful, I took notes on this one. Click here to check out the article, I encourage you to do so and please leave me your thoughts/tips...God bless.
Yoga Journal (a great site) has a fantastic article on True Beauty, I found it very insightful and helpful, I took notes on this one. Click here to check out the article, I encourage you to do so and please leave me your thoughts/tips...God bless.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Mommy moment...
My baby boy absolutely fills my soul with the most amazing emotions ever felt! He's 17 months now and driving me bananas or "to drink" as my friend pep, likes to say. However, I would not have it any other way, this mommy thing is waaaay harder than I ever imagined but I would not give up a minute of it. J, my son, is rapidly discovering this amazing world around him and his role in it, so fascinating to watch! He's just starting to enunciate certain words like "thank you" and "you're welcome"; oh and he will not say "daddy" for the life of him, which is crazy because he absolutely adores his daddy, funny. But this morning he uttered "thank you" as I handed him his Kleen Kanteen, the clearest i've heard him speak thus far. And you can imagine how sweetly those words resonated in my ears, I almost cried. It's incredible how a seemingly simple act can impact your soul so deeply, and my baby totally uplifts the innermost part of my being... Please, be loving and kind to your kids, to everyone around you for that matter, but the fabric of who we go on to be in life is greatly impacted by our early childhood socialization, LOVE and KINDNESS can never be overstated.
Please, share your favorite mommy/daddy/parent moments with me, I look forward to being uplifted...Have a blessed day!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Get your fitness oooon...
This 45 minute yoga fitness workout really challenged me today! I've done it before (no in a while though), but today I seriously felt my inner strength radiating through. Try it, it strengthens and tones all the muscles in your body. Click on the post title to access the video...Work that body girls, summer's right around the corner!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Honey love...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Way Up High...

I want to grow wings and fly
I want to see eye to eye as birds soar by
and you ask why?
I want to breathe the pure air way up in the sky
I want to swim through seas of white splendor
and imagine myself with wings of an angel
no more fear of heights
no insecurities lurking by
just revel in the freedom way up high
laughing without care as the wind plays with my hair
my destination? nowhere and everywhere!
finally living life without a care
I want to grow wings and fly fly, way up high, way up high!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Food for thought...

The first one is about taking chances, in every aspect of life, sounds simple enough but it is not so. There are a number of people, myself included, that are paralyzed by fear-fear of "no", fear of loosing, fear of failing, fear of looking stupid, fear of getting hurt, etc., and therefore loose out on all that life has to offer. Personally, I have a very hard time getting over various insecurities, I started this blog as a way of helping me overcome this overwhelming sense of "not being good enough" that I carry with me, especially in my writing. It's a day to day struggle for me, as I'm sure it is for a lot of you out there, but I'm determined to beat this torturous behavior, I have so much to value and to look forward to in life, I don't want to miss out on any of it anymore. I encourage you guys to read the article and reflect on it's very simple message-take a chance, what have you got to loose!
The second article pertains to the positive qualities that make for healthy relationships, very very important. In this age of faster, bigger, better, and more the genuine qualities that makes us such special beings have been pushed aside. Everyday, I am disheartened as I encounter people across all spectrums who carry such spirits self-centeredness and lack of good will towards others; And themselves, I must add, because I truly believe that if you don't respect and love yourself, you won't be able to treat others with the respect and love we all deserve. Take a minute to read this article and reflect on what you can do to reciprocate all the positive energy you can out into the world.
Please share your thoughts with me, if you will, and have a blessed day!...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Kitchen Beauty: Get your skin ready for spring...

I love this kitchen beauty tip from Vital Juice (a healthy living site, click on the title above to access the website); Yet another example of the diversity of yogurt, loves it! By this time of the year most of us, here in new york at least, are due for a physical spring cleaning, if you will. The constant shift between cold wind and indoor heat (not to mention environmental pollution, stress, etc., etc.) wreaks havoc on our delicate skin and gentle scrubbing is necessary to get that sexy glow back, don't you think?
This quick and easy DIY scrub (adapted verbatim from Vital Juice) is just what we need, try it, you'll love it! Please use all organic products if possible:
Brown Sugar Yogurt Scrub
Mix 1/2 cup plain yogurt or vanilla yogurt with half a cup of brown sugar
Massage on dry skin in the shower until sugar dissolves. Rinse off.
To really seal in the moisture, slather skin with sesame oil right after your shower. "It's not greasy and absorbs almost instantly", says Freedman.
*I've tried this recipe many times and I can attest that it makes your skin feel and look fabulous, especially if you are consistent with it, and sesame oil is absolutely a must have for every natural beauty regimen. I've been using organic sesame oil for quite a while now. I use it on my face, body, and as an eye make-up remover, it works great for me. And trust me, I would know if it wasn't working, my fiancee has no hairs on his tongue, as the old saying goes ;-)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
AFFLUENT Records News: Katlyn Swanson's album "Dizzy" now on itunes
Monday, March 8, 2010
Kitchen Beauty: Yogurt anyone?...

So, I needed a little mood/beauty lift yesterday, life's been very challenging 'round these parks, but I was not sure how to go about it. Then, it dawned on me (while preparing my baby and myself a snack), I haven't done a yogurt mask in quite a while. Yogurt is awesome!; not only does it serve as a yummy healthy snack or meal (my son and I had bananas w/yogurt and agave for breakfast, hmm good!) but it does wonders for your skin.
Did you know? that the lactic acid tightens, soothes, and soften your skin. It also refines pores as well as gets rid of germs and other bacteria, this is due to its natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Little ol' yogurt packs quite a punch. My skin looked great afterwards and most importantly I felt great!
Yogurt Mask (if possible, use all organic ingredients)
1 Tablespoon of Plain Yogurt
1 Teaspoon of honey (use an extra tsp of honey if your skin is a bit dry or a squirt of lemon if it's oily)
If the honey's hard, warm it up a bit until the consistency is slightly runny. In a small cup mix both yogurt and honey well. Apply all over your face (and neck if you are up for it), except for your eyes, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with a warm cotton or muslin cloth (I like to splash w/cold water afterwards just to close up my pores).
You will feel fabulous, the results are almost immediate, your skin will look radiant, really!
Please, let me know how feel about this beauty tip and share some of your own kitchen beauty tips w/us. Also, check out this link, the site has great natural beauty recipes/tips-
God bless my friends...
Friday, March 5, 2010
Doctor, doctor...

I found this NY Time's article very poignant and an important topic of discussion for all of us. In the past two years I've had very disappointing and aggravating experiences (even while pregnant) with doctors, nurses, receptionist, and insurance providers. It has left me feeling hopeless, to a certain extent, because I see no positive tangible changes occurring. It's all about the money, the sincere commitment to a patients overall well-being has been pushed aside for the dream of that third estate in the Hampton's. I totally support Dr.Brody's assertion that the medical profession, collectively, has to take a stand, centered on the long term well-being of their patients.
The only positive aspect of this is that it has made me more focused on keeping myself and my family as healthy as possible so that we don't have to deal with doctor's. Sadly, I have not found one that inspires trust in me, plus I don't have private insurance or money to pay the obscene rates they charge these days, that leaves me out of luck. It gets me so upset thinking about all this, especially because I have a baby and I want him to be treated with respect, professionalism, and genuine care above all. The medical profession is really in a state of disarray, to say the least, I pray they (as a whole) rise to the challenge and STOP focusing on how they can continue to maximize their income.
Check out the article-
Please leave me your thoughts/comments, and let's shout out those true and good doctor's out there, they deserve it...God Bless my friends.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Pocket full of dreams...
I have a pocket full of dreams, like jack and his magic beans
anxious to take flight, but scared to soar high
fear of heights? it ain't always what it seems
dreams of all kinds, excited to see light
i take them out, here and there, but always hold on tight
my dreams help soothe me when darkness passes me by
they shine so bright, i can't contain the light!
they encompass all that i am, all that i will be
i couple them with my faith then close my eyes, what a sight
i am transported to another place, farther than the eye can see
my dreams are held captive by me?
but i want to set them free, to see them soar high over the seas
the day is near, slowly but surely i'm fighting the fear
I have a pocket full of dreams...
Do you have a pocketful full of dreams? share your dreams with me...God bless.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Would you like a glass of polluted water? Not me!!!

I am sooo outraged by the folllowing NYT's article I read this morning, please take a minute to read it and take a stance:
It pertains to the ruling on behalf of the supreme court that some corporations are exempt from respecting and adhering to the CLEAN WATER ACT, yes the issue is multifaceted one, but we can all agree that clean water is essential for human existence, no? And we must all do whatever it takes to keep our water clean!
A lot of states, florida for example, already have very low quality water available to them, an issue that must rectified and now we are all in danger of being afflicted with the same problem, it is unacceptable. Whether i'm drinking it, washing my hair in it, dipping my toes in it, bathing my child, or taking a ride on my boat (for those that are partial to this)- we all have the right to be provided with clean healthy water for daily living, there is simply no way around that. So please please, take a moment to read this article, seek more information, and most importantly let your voice be heard, the only way we will make progress is by being vocal (respectfully of course), standing our ground, and participating in the process of our democracy!
As for the supreme court, I can't recall one conscious positive ruling they have made in quite a long time, as someone commented the court should be outsourced to India and I agree, what do you think?
Please leave me some food for thought on this issue, it's so very important to all of us!
Wishing you all a blessed day...
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